I am having trouble with running a workspace with FME Data Express. The workspace is simple, to test out the geometry parameter on mobile, it just returns the coordinates to screen with an html writer, published as fmedatastreaming. The idea is to use it in a scavenger hunt if possible.
When I run the workspace with FME Data Express as fmejobsubmitter, it submits the job, and does its thing.
When I run the workspace with FME Data Express as fmedatastreaming, the job is never submitted to FME Server. In App I get the popup "Waiting for Data Streaming", which then goes away, and nothing happens. I checked with two colleagues at work, one with android gets the same behaviour as me, one with iOS it submits the datastreaming job correctly. So it may be an issue with the Android app. I don't know how to debug where the error occurs between the app sending(?), and the FME Server not receiving/rejecting(?) the job.
We have FME Server 2022.2. I also tested with the Safe demo server in this article https://community.safe.com/s/article/getting-started-with-fme-data-express-1 and got the same result (popup "Waiting for Data Streaming", then nothing happens).