[Software ArcCatalog 10.3 with Data Interoperability] I have a group landxml files that I coerced into polygon shapes, performed some text editing (i.e. extraction), and then filtered into two different workflows. These files include an attribute for the parcel numbers (Name)
I also have a group of excel spreadsheets that contain the information about these polygons, and were modified by attribute split and some string replacement. They also include a column for the parcel numbers (Parcel_list) that was created through the modification.
Using the FeatureMerger, the Excel table was brought into the supplier port, and the polygons into the requestor port. The parameters have the correct Requestor and Supplier attributes and I compared the two columns to confirm the information matches. Merge parameters include merge type = "attributes and geometry". Results as follows:
Merged - no returns
Not Merged - no returns
Referenced - this is the largest group. In the inspector all it returns is Excel data that matched records in the polygons but it returned no geometry with it.
Unreferenced - was a small group of unreferenced records from the Excel. These are valid rejects and do not have a matching polygon.
So what am I doing wrong? I have an inspector just before the merge and the geometry looks fine.
Hi @tsurveyor, are you able to share the workspace and possibly sample data?
@tsurveyor I'd imagine it's just merge type settings. Change it to attributes only and it should work
@tsurveyor I'd imagine it's just merge type settings. Change it to attributes only and it should work
thank you for the response. That was my settings originally then I switched it to geom + attributes trying different things.
Does it matter about the attribute types, i.e. char vs string, or sixe of field?
thank you for the response. That was my settings originally then I switched it to geom + attributes trying different things.
If its losing the geometry when only set to merge attributes then if you can share your workspace it may help as I'm not sure what would be the cause other than that setting
Hi @tsurveyor, are you able to share the workspace and possibly sample data?
unfortunately no. I can send some screenshots but don't know how to post image.
Does it matter about the attribute types, i.e. char vs string, or sixe of field?
It doesn't sound like that's the issue if you aren't getting anything out of the Merged port. You can attach pictures with your comment using the paper clip icon.
I attached the translation log of the process. This is my first time using FME so it's not a super clean structure but it's everything start to finish. I limited it to only one LandXML file and one Excel.
I have also attached a copy of the setting for the FeatureMerge, below.

an image of my workbench
I attached the translation log of the process. This is my first time using FME so it's not a super clean structure but it's everything start to finish. I limited it to only one LandXML file and one Excel.
I have also attached a copy of the setting for the FeatureMerge, below.

an image of my workbench
Thank you!
Hi @tsurveyor, you'll need to keep the Feature Merge Type set to "Attributes & Geometry". Are you able to confirm that the Name and Parcel_List attribute have matches? You should at least be getting attributes sent out of the Merged port if FME is able to find value matches between the two datasets.
Hi @tsurveyor, you'll need to keep the Feature Merge Type set to "Attributes & Geometry". Are you able to confirm that the Name and Parcel_List attribute have matches? You should at least be getting attributes sent out of the Merged port if FME is able to find value matches between the two datasets.
I ran Matcher and the two fields returned zero matches. Looking at the properties: Name (encoded: utf-16) and Parcel_List (encoded utf-8). I don't see any other differences.
Hi @tsurveyor, you'll need to keep the Feature Merge Type set to "Attributes & Geometry". Are you able to confirm that the Name and Parcel_List attribute have matches? You should at least be getting attributes sent out of the Merged port if FME is able to find value matches between the two datasets.
I deleted out the client data from the spreadsheet that is not relevant and left the pieces I am working with, the rest comes along for the ride. So attached are the raw XML and excel.
I also included the excel file as it stands after all of the modifications just before the merger.
When I compare the two attributes in the inspector, the results appear identical. Of course there are some records that won't match, but I expect those.
Tia, thank you for the workbench. I decided that there was a bug in the Data Interoperability and downloaded the FME program. I used exactly the same files as in my DI toolbox (literally copying each tool from the DI space to the FME space). First I ran the exact same process in FME and it merged all 28 geometries correctly with the 4 rejects being valid (image attached).
Next I ran the process in ArcGIS DI and the 28 records are referenced (meaning they found matches) but the geometry was not merged (image attached)
I changed absolutely nothing, I copied everything straight across so this tells me there is a problem with the Data Interoperability program.
Thank you for all of your assistance. I'm not sure where to go from here since I don't have a license for FME, only for the DI extension.
Tia, thank you
for the workbench. I decided that there was a bug in the Data Interoperability
and downloaded the FME program. I used exactly the same files as in my DI
toolbox (literally copying each tool from the DI space to the FME space). First
I ran the exact same process in FME and it merged all 28 geometries correctly
with the 4 rejects being valid (image attached).
Next I ran the process in ArcGIS DI and the 28 records are referenced (meaning
they found matches) but the geometry was not merged (image attached)
I changed absolutely nothing, I copied everything straight across so this tells
me there is a problem with the Data Interoperability program.
Thank you for all of your assistance. I'm not sure where to go from here since
I don't have a license for FME, only for the DI extension.
Tia, thank you for the workbench. I decided that there was a bug in the Data Interoperability and downloaded the FME program. I used exactly the same files as in my DI toolbox (literally copying each tool from the DI space to the FME space). First I ran the exact same process in FME and it merged all 28 geometries correctly with the 4 rejects being valid (image attached).
Next I ran the process in ArcGIS DI and the 28 records are referenced (meaning they found matches) but the geometry was not merged (image attached)
I changed absolutely nothing, I copied everything straight across so this tells me there is a problem with the Data Interoperability program.
Thank you for all of your assistance. I'm not sure where to go from here since I don't have a license for FME, only for the DI extension.
Hi @tsurveyor, that's very interesting! Can you please report this as an issue? I can further investigate this for you and file a problem report if necessary.
You can submit a support ticket here.
I just wanted to post the follow up. Tia was awesome and offered to talk with me on the phone. While going through some things I brought the DI workbench up and the script ran perfect. Nothing had changed...Go figure! I think a glitch and the reboot of the laptop in the interim cleared it up, not the first time. However, great input above that provides good guidance on how to set up and solve the problem. Thank you for all the answers. Anyone have bug spray for this thing?! :-)