Hi @muzhnasto
Can I request you to file a support ticket and provide the workspace and sample data?
Any news on this?
I'm facing the same problem.
Is there a way to do a try/catch to avoid having this message and skip the 'problem' feature(s)
Hi @jan-vdb This problem should have been fixed for FME 2021. Please send us sample data and your workspace via https://community.safe.com/s/submit-case/ Thanks!
I'm using FME(R) 2021.1.0.1 (20210720 - Build 21614 - linux-x64)
Sample data? Well, if you take OSM (PBF) of Japan, Filter on Highway -tag = residential, Buffer it with 100m and try to Dissolve this, you will face the problem.
Btw, processing can take a while 😀
So, I don't think it is solved.
I'm using FME(R) 2021.1.0.1 (20210720 - Build 21614 - linux-x64)
Sample data? Well, if you take OSM (PBF) of Japan, Filter on Highway -tag = residential, Buffer it with 100m and try to Dissolve this, you will face the problem.
Btw, processing can take a while 😀
So, I don't think it is solved.
Hi @jan-vdb I tested buffering and dissolving 2.7M residential highways of Japan on both Windows and Linux, Build 21766 (FME 2021.2 beta) and I did not get any error. I don't think there were any changes made to the Dissolver since 20210720.
Please send your workspace, log file, screenshots, etc. to https://community.safe.com/s/submit-case/ Thanks!
I'm seeing this same issue in build 21797 (Win64).
I'm seeing this same issue in build 21797 (Win64).
@brianhearn If you are able to install the latest version of FME 2021.2 , try to run the project there (remember that you can have multiple installs of FME Desktop - just use a different install folder - so you can still use the older version for your production runs) If you could attach and example of the data, or send an example directly to me: mark at safe dot com we can take a closer look.
I'm seeing this same issue in build 21797 (Win64).
Hi @brianhearn If you still see the issue with FME 2022.0 beta then please send your workspace, log file, screenshots, etc. to https://community.safe.com/s/submit-case/ Thanks!
I got the same error message after using the buffer from FME(R) 2022.0.0.1 (20220505 - Build 22339 - WIN64).
If a buffer is used, this can be worked around by changing the "Corner Style" parameter from Arc (default) to Round.
I got the same error message after using the buffer from FME(R) 2022.0.0.1 (20220505 - Build 22339 - WIN64).
If a buffer is used, this can be worked around by changing the "Corner Style" parameter from Arc (default) to Round.
Hi @mschorcht FYI, this error with the Bufferer was recently reported via FMEENGINE-73518