When writing to a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online we are getting duplicate features on occasion. In the latest run where this happened, there were 15,304 features in the dataset which were reported as written to ArcGIS Online, although the feature layer actually had 16,304 features written to it. Features with OBJECTID 9001 through 10000 were exactly duplicated making it seem like a batch of 1,000 features were written exactly twice during the process. OBJECTID 10001 was an exact duplicate of 9001, 10002 was a dupe of 9002 and so on.... After this batch of duplicates, subsequent features were not duplicated (features before OBJECTID 9001 were also not duplicated).
Getting duplicate features when writing to ArcGIS Online
Best answer by mattmatsafe
Hi @gis_mapper and others encountering this issue:
FME Form 2023 (formerly Desktop) has introduced an Asynchronous Writes option to the advanced parameters of the ArcGIS Online Feature Server Writer. Setting this option to Yes should help resolve this issue.
Documentation can be found here: https://docs.safe.com/fme/2023.0/html/FME-Form-Documentation/FME-ReadersWriters/arcgisonlinefeatures/arcgisonlinefeatures_writer.htm
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