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I have made a connection local with FME 64b to SQL server.

This worked for about a half year but now I get the message:

Error: User encryption is specified but can't find key to decrypt.

and The connection to the host ..., named instance ….,... failed. Error: " Receive timed out". Verify the server and instance names and check that no firewall is blocking UDP traffic to port 1434. For SQL Server 2005 or later, verify that the SQL Server Browser Service is running on the host.



According to the DBA-er nothing has changed (ports are ok and there is no firewall inbetween) and when I try to log in with SQL DEVELOPER there is no problem. So I tried different varieties as :



etc but nothing works.

Do you have an idea what might be wrong and how I can fix this?

Thanks for your reply.

Hi @perry, just to confirm. Is this workspace running on FME server? Are you using a custom encryption key on your FME Server?


Hello Xiaomeng,.

I don't use a custom encryption key.

When i run the workspace on the server with the same connection (usr and pw) for sqlserver it works fine. When I run the workspace local on my laptop it will fail.

The server is installed by a FME-consultant and I do not have much knowledge of this install.

On the server with the user admin I only have Version Control in the System Configuration

("On the General tab of the System Configuration page, expand System Encryption, and select Encryption Mode: Restricted.")

thank you for your information

Hello Xiaomeng,.

I don't use a custom encryption key.

When i run the workspace on the server with the same connection (usr and pw) for sqlserver it works fine. When I run the workspace local on my laptop it will fail.

The server is installed by a FME-consultant and I do not have much knowledge of this install.

On the server with the user admin I only have Version Control in the System Configuration

("On the General tab of the System Configuration page, expand System Encryption, and select Encryption Mode: Restricted.")

thank you for your information

hi @perry, I collected a couple of suggestions from the team here, to help figure out the problem:


  • What version of FME are you using? If you are on a 2017 build and using a connection string, it's possible that you happen to be using one of the few builds that had a connection string syntax problem. To workaround this problem, you can try replacing colon with a comma, or vise versa. (this problem had been fixed, in later version. So if you could upgrade both Desktop and Server to 2018.1, that should solve the problem too)
  • Another possibility is that the user you are running with on the Desktop, may not have permission to use the Database Connection specified. You can check under Tools > FME Options > Database Connections, to first see if the Database connection used in the workspace is listed there, and if it is, you can double click on it, to see it's visibility setting, and test to connect, in the same dialog.

Hello Xiaomeng,

The connection worked for about a half year. Every new connection to sqlserver - I have tried several string connections - but nothing works.

I'm using 2017.1.0.0 (20170731 build 17539 WIN32)

I'll ask the DBA-er for an update. I hope this will solve the problem.

Thank you for your input.


Hello Xiaomeng,

The connection worked for about a half year. Every new connection to sqlserver - I have tried several string connections - but nothing works.

I'm using 2017.1.0.0 (20170731 build 17539 WIN32)

I'll ask the DBA-er for an update. I hope this will solve the problem.

Thank you for your input.


Thanks @perry! Please let us know if the issue persist after the update.


Recently installed FME desktop 2018.1.0.2 build 18547.

Now I have removed the old connection and inserted a new MS server-connection and this works ok.

Thanks for your support.
