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I am trying to upload a tif stored in my PC locally to the contents in arcgis online. I can upload the shapefiles efficiently but not tifs. Can someone advise? Thanks!

Hi, @sharvikhawte!

Thank you for posting your question. Sorry about that. Before delving deeper, curious as to what you are working with currently:

  • What version and build of FME Form/Desktop are you using?
  • Do you have attachments enabled for your hosted feature layer (Reference)?


Hi! I am using version 2024.1. have have the attachments enabled

I will also want to know if there is need for you to convert the file format before it can work.

Hello, @sharvikhawte and @evoteck.

Thank you for your patience! Let me know if you have checked this article out, it discusses how to upload an image to AGOL (ArcGIS Online). Should work with the .tif format. If not, let me know, happy to help out.

