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Hey, I'm getting a unique constraint error coming from an index

The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147216072'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Underlying DBMS error [ORA-00001: unique constraint (FACILITY.A17846_IX1) violated]}

Is there a switch in the writer I can set?? I have tried GRID 1 = Nothing and GRID 1 = 0 and both fail.

Thx Brian

Hi @dbklingdom, are you writing to adding records to an existing table or performing an update?


performing an update

OK got it. The Coordinate system for the Write most be set!!!

OK got it. The Coordinate system for the Write most be set!!!

Good to hear you found the culprit. For those stumbling upon this later, my recommendation would be to look up the definition of the constraint "FACILITY.A17846_IX1" in the Oracle database and see exactly what it concerns, without the defintion it's almost impossible to tell.



Applications like SQLDeveloper and TOAD are very useful for this. If you don't have the necessary access, ask your DBA, they should be able to help you out.
