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Is it possible to switch the Versioning in an Enterprise Geodatabase (on SQL Server) from "traditional" to "Branch Versioning" without touching FME Workspaces containing Esri Geodatase Readers and Writers (GEODATABASE_SDE)? In a first attempt in the test environment, everything seems to be running like before, after we switched to Branch Versioning of our feature classes.


A quick look in the geodatabase tables seems to prove that the internal fields like GDB_ARCHIVE_OID, GDB_FROM_DATE, ... are filled correctly.

internal fields of the geodatabase 

Can it really be that simple? Does FME support the switch to Branch Versioning while keeping the Workspaces untouched? Of course, this would be a dream, but this seems too good to be true.






Hello @Stefan Offermann​, your hunch was correct, I think there may be a little more too it unfortunately! If I remember correctly Branch versioning is generally toggled on the SDE connection file, but this is only really supported for feature layers (as far as we're aware of). because Branch versioned data can only be edited through a feature service, if you'd like to use Branch versioning, you'd need to publish the feature classes to portal, and use the portal reader/writer. For more information on Branch versioning please see: Branch Versoining Scenarios. Hope this helps, Kailin!
