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I have a Geopackage raster tileset that contains a raster with multiple zoom levels. I want to split this raster into a series of tiles and export each tile as a TIFF file.



My first thought was to use the RasterTiler-transformer and simply split the raster tileset into separate tiles based on a specific tile size (e.g. 500 x 500). However, I can't get this to work. When I run the workspace the resulting TIFF-files contain no data (i.e. they are totally blank). I suspect that this has something to do with the multiple zoom levels in the Geopackage raster tileset, but I'm kind of clueless on how to solve it.



Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this? Is it possible to split a Geopackage raster tileset into a series of tiles based on multiple zoom levels? Any help will be appreciated.







Hi @mar.ras,

Are you still seeking an answer to to this workflow?



If you are looking at writing to the TIFF format, I would be interested to see if we might be able to filter for a single zoom level using the attribute geopackage_raster_zoom_level from the documentation here, perhaps in a Tester before tiling and writing out to TIFF. I also noticed in the TIFF writer, that it gives you the option to Create Tiled Files, so perhaps might not need the RasterTiler.



I'm not personally too familiar with working with geopackages, but I'd be happy to give it a go if you're able to share a sample dataset? If the file is too big to attach in a comment, please feel free to send it to our FTP site and let me know what the name is, or provide a download link as an alternative to the FTP. If using the FTP ,the Host would be and the Username is Anonymous, and that should allow you to QuickConnect in a file transfer program such as FileZilla.
