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I noticed that some users delete their questions, even though answers helpful to other users have been posted. I think it would be better if there were a restriction that a question having answers cannot be deleted unconditionally.

Hi @takashi. About how often do you notice it happen?


That's seems like an odd behaviour. I'll see what the options are to improve the situation.


Hi @takashi. So it looks like for deleting questions, I can set the permissions so that someone needs to have a certain reputation before being able to delete own question. And it looks like regular users shouldn't have the ability to delete their own questions... I don't see the option to not be able to delete if a question has answer(s). So to help me determine course of action, please let me know how often you notice people deleting their own questions with answers. Also do you know of an example user who has deleted own question?

Hi @NatalieAtSafe, not so frequently. A recent question posted by <at>ygutfreund is missing. I remember that some users including me definitely have answered to the question, and they posted a similar question again:


Sending Count over Total of files written by FeatureWriter as the are emitted?


Hi @takashi. So it looks like for deleting questions, I can set the permissions so that someone needs to have a certain reputation before being able to delete own question. And it looks like regular users shouldn't have the ability to delete their own questions... I don't see the option to not be able to delete if a question has answer(s). So to help me determine course of action, please let me know how often you notice people deleting their own questions with answers. Also do you know of an example user who has deleted own question?

sorry, possibly I misunderstood. I thought this question has been asked by the same user.


FeatureCount using FeatureWriter

