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I've been trying to access some internal data which is being published from TopDesk via an OData feed. This is the first time I've tried to use odata...


I'm using the OData reader, and parameters provided by the TopDesk administrator here. I have a url, a username, and password. I'm using basic authentication. After clicking the browse button beside Feeds, I get the error message "Failed to retrieve feature types."


image of error message 

Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do to successfully connect?


Note I also get an error when trying to connect to it from Excel 2016:

image of error from excelThis sounds like a problem with the account.

However, I am able to connect to this odata feed successfully using power BI, and using the same url and credentials as above. During the connection process there, the only difference in dialogues that I can see allows me to choose the "level" at which I wish to apply the login settings to (I chose the root portion of the url).

image of successful connection dialogueThis then lets me view tables which are available, and retrieve data from them.


Thanks for any advice anyone is able to offer!


Chris J


Hi Chris.

Thank you for your question. I notice that the URL that you use in the PowerBI screenshot is shortened, have you tried the same shortened URL in the OData reader in FME?

If you can share the log when you receive the "Failed to retrieve feature types" error that would also be helpful.

Are there certain permissions that are applied to the OData accounts?

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Thanks, Daragh

Thanks for your reply Daragh! Sorry it's taken me so long to investigate and get back to this. I have been poking at it again today.


I have tried the shortened URL in the OData Reader as well (the one which in PowerBI is the "level to apply these settings to." Alas, it produced the same results - an error of "failed to retrieve feature types."


I have attached a log from a failed connection attempt. (n.b. I have replaced the real username with 'name' in the text) I believe the user has permission to only read the tables - I can confirm if this is a salient point.


I still haven't been able to browse the tables which are exposed in the OData feed using FME's reader settings dialogue. However, I have had success with a reader if I include the name of the table. Obviously that's not perfect, as I have to know the exact name of everything I want to use before I try to connect to it. At least it works though, and it has let me continue with this task.


To make this work, I have used:

  • the full OData service URL as provided to me and shown above
  • basic authentication with the username and password provided to me
  • spatial type of none
  • a value in "Feeds" which exactly matches a table name I need to retrieve

This last point is what got it to work for me.

Clearly, it would be handy to be able to browse, but for now this gets the job done.



Chris J

I've just talked one of my customers through this process and can confirm that @cdejacob​'s workaround works. It's not very practical though so I do hope that this can be solved.
