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Hello y'all,

I submitted a large international airport file to your online IMDF validation portal and I haven't received an error report yet, it has been over 45 mins since I submitted the file. I have uploaded a smaller file, and I received an error report. Is there a file size limit with the online validation?

I appreciate any guidance! I am using FME Workbench 2018.1.

Thank you!

Hi @david_prosack88

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I've check on the FME Cloud instance that's running the validator and the job that was processing your first dataset ended with an error. We're digging into what caused that. Sorry for the trouble!

Hi @david_prosack88 Quick update on this, from the error I'm seeing in our validator, it looks like something's wrong with the coordinate system set on the dataset. The validation workflow is trying to reproject the data from LL84 (this is what FME sees the coordinate system set to within the file) into an equal area projection for checking the geometries inside and the results end up outside normal min/max lat/lng values. Can you double check that dataset you were using?

I'll see what we can do to add some checks for trouble like that to our validation workflow to avoid this problem and include this information in the report we send back.

Hi @david_prosack88

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I've check on the FME Cloud instance that's running the validator and the job that was processing your first dataset ended with an error. We're digging into what caused that. Sorry for the trouble!

Thank you for the update @LauraAtSafe! I will review the dataset.



