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Hi all the data in the column looks like its in a binary format but everything i try fails, please help. Here is an example of a record. 30303130010000000700000075B5157B9CB80F4187EB51B8CEEA08414282E24755B90F41EE51B81ED9EA0841D36F5F477DB90F41EE51B81ED9EA084132772DE1C6B90F41808CB9EBD9EA084132772DE1C6B90F41F6FDD4B882EA0841E27A14AE9BB80F41AB13D0847FEA084175B5157B9CB80F4187EB51B8CEEA08410000000000

Is this Oracle spatial? If so, you can use the built-in function TO_WKTGEOMETRY() to convert the geometry to e.g. WKT:

select SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(shape) from my_table;

More info in the Oracle docs:

Is this Oracle spatial? If so, you can use the built-in function TO_WKTGEOMETRY() to convert the geometry to e.g. WKT:

select SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(shape) from my_table;

More info in the Oracle docs:

Hi david_r


I'm not sure if its oracle spatial, its an old proprietary system which has no documentation.  I tried your sql and get an error, "illegal use of LONG datatype".




geometry replacer with encoded polyline yields a result, using your sample.

Other settings yield error.

To start, are you able to view the geometry of what is coded in binary? Then we can figure out writing to Oracle...
