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Our Bloc "Orientage Crosse" has an custom orientation (Print Screen 1)

Print Screen 1

RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse

The dwg source has some block "Orientage Crosse" with a rotation and Angle1 (Print Screen 2 to Print Screen 6).


In FME with the readers, the name of the block it's not "Orientage Crosse" but a specifi name like *U365, *U400,... (cf Print Screen 7 to Print Screen 10).

The oriention and the Angle1 don't have the expected values.


If my block hasn't angle1 like in print Screen 1, we don't have the problem.


Someone can help me?


Print Screen 2


RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse_U395

Print Screen 3RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse_U396

Print Screen 4

RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse_U398

Print Screen 5

RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse_U400

Print Screen 6

RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse_U401

Print Screen 7

RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse_U395_FME

Print Screen 8

RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse_U396_FME

Print Screen 9

RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse_U398_FME

Print Screen 10

RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse_U400_FME


Hello @bernarddinon​ are the blocks attributed or dynamic? We have had a similar issue with the '*Uxx' as FME does not handle the dynamic blocks. We have had to create an attribute on the block in AutoCAD of the block name so we can then read the attribute rather than the name FME gives it.


Are you able to share a sample drawing and I will see what I can do to help further?

Hello @bernarddinon​ are the blocks attributed or dynamic? We have had a similar issue with the '*Uxx' as FME does not handle the dynamic blocks. We have had to create an attribute on the block in AutoCAD of the block name so we can then read the attribute rather than the name FME gives it.


Are you able to share a sample drawing and I will see what I can do to help further?

Hello, @deanhowell​ 

Thank for your answer. The blocks seem dynamic because of Angle1. If i delete this part, the block become attributed.


I make a simple workspace for example (Print Screen 1).

I create a workaround to my example. I use test filter to find blocks *U and replace the autocad_block_name by the good name, but i don't have the orientation and Anlge1


I join my workspace in a fmwt file.

Best Regards


Bernard Dinon


Print Screen 1

RESA_BLOC_Orientage Crosse-Workspace

Yes, unfortunately FME doesn't support dynamic blocks properly. Not even the name is read correctly. There is an idea here which you can vote on:

Thanks @bernarddinon​ nothing yet but I wonder if FME is not interpreted the angles from the drawing as they are in grad. I will keep looking and let you know.

Thanks @bernarddinon​ nothing yet but I wonder if FME is not interpreted the angles from the drawing as they are in grad. I will keep looking and let you know.



Thank for your help

Yes, unfortunately FME doesn't support dynamic blocks properly. Not even the name is read correctly. There is an idea here which you can vote on:

@virtualcitymatt​  Thank for your answer. I voted for this idea

@deanhowell​ @virtualcitymatt​ 


For my problem. We have decide to modify our block. We have delete the angle in the block et we don't have problem.


Thanks for your help


Best Regards


Bernard Dinon
