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Dear readers,


A colleague of mine is trying to extract data from an FTP server.

Using FME for this process would be beneficial to a large part of our organization, since it would enable us to create ETL processes for FTP-data.


My colleague encounters the following problem:

FTP/FTPS/SFTP transfer error: Timeout was reached


The settings he uses are:

URL: <url links correctly to a .csv on the FTP server starting with FTPS://FTP>

Transfer type: Download to a File


Target File: <.csv on OneDrive that does not exist yet>

File Path Attribute: _downloaded_file_path


Connection Mode: Passive / Active tried

Transfer Mode: Binary

Verify SSL Certificates (ftps/ftpes only): Yes


Authentication Type: Password 

< username and password correctly set>


Proxy Type: Use FME Network Proxy Settings


My colleague received the following error:

FTP/FTPS/SFTP transfer error: FTP: command PORT failed


We guess that this is a question for our FME functional manager, but any thoughts on how to solve this problem are welcome!



The fact that you’re getting a port failed message suggests that ports 20 and 21 (default ftp ports) are not open in your network. These would need to be opened by you IT department
