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Trying to capture network traffic when FME Server writes to and reads from REST Services on ArcGIS Online to debug an issue with readers/writers and arcgis online. I followed all of these steps to setup and configure the proxy, but didn't seem to be working completely.

Additionally, do we need to run fiddler on the account that FME server is ran on or can we do it through an admin account on the machine? We tried both Fiddler 2 and 4. In version 2, the FME account could see some of the traffic that was coming from jobs that were being ran in addition to traffic from the admin account. My admin account couldn't see any of the traffic from the FME user, but did see mine.

Hi @runneals,


Yes, I believe you are correct that Fiddler needs be run on the same account as the FME Engines. For this integration there is a key point.


1) The core cannot use a proxy at this time. This means that any authentication of web connections must be done without proxy, as the authentication of a web connection is done through the core. If a new token needs to be used then the workspace running through the proxy will fail as it need to get a new token form the core process. We do have a patch for the core to use a proxy for Web Connections, and a change should be in our 2019 product. Please create a support case if you would like the patch.



1) Your workspace should show if the reader / writer or httpCallers are going though a proxy.


2) Does the OS proxy work. Its best to confirm that the system proxy is in effect before applying the fme server settings to adapt the proxy settings.




