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Heya FME specialists, another PostGIS question:

As a start I have a PointZ PostGIS table created with a PostGIS writer in workbench.

Next I have a very simple workbench to duplicate some PostGIS tables from the production server to my local server for offsite development / analyses:



I use a PostGIS FeatureReader with schema and generic because I want to dynamically create a clone of the table which is altered (data AND schema) in production without having to update readers and writers. This works wonderful!

The one problem I have is that the geometry column definition changes from PointZ to GeometryZ:


(  pkey serial NOT NULL,  the_geom geometry(PointZ,28992),  CONSTRAINT testpoint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pkey))


(  pkey integer NOT NULL,  the_geom geometry(GeometryZ,28992),  CONSTRAINT testpoint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pkey))

I double checked to make sure the Create Generic Spatial Columns parameter is unchecked. Do I need to change another parameter or do I forget a crucial step? I attached workbenches in zip for reproduction.

FME Desktop 2016.1.1.0 (20160722 - Build 16609 - WIN32)


POSTGIS 2.1.2 (r12389)


Update what I tried:

In the FeatureWriter parameters, tab General, Geometry setting; From Schema Definition (original), First Feature Defines Geometry Type, postgis_point, postgis_none. The result is always a GeometryZ geometry column. Even with Dynamic Properties checked off.

Added the table as Workspace Resource combined with above settings. Still GeometryZ column.

This feels buggy to me but not a terrible problem for now as I can work around it.


Update filed support case:

Submitted 12-08-2016 - C118797.

This is only a guess, but I suspect it is because you have the featurewriter geometry set to "From Schema Definition" and that the fme geometry doesn't necessary align directly with postgis point geometry. You can set that geometry as "postgis_point" and I suspect it will do what you want.



If you do want to do it dynamically, then load the relevant PostGIS table as a "Reader as a Resource" and then choose that as your "Schema Sources" rather than "Schema from Schema Feature"



This is only a guess, but I suspect it is because you have the featurewriter geometry set to "From Schema Definition" and that the fme geometry doesn't necessary align directly with postgis point geometry. You can set that geometry as "postgis_point" and I suspect it will do what you want.



If you do want to do it dynamically, then load the relevant PostGIS table as a "Reader as a Resource" and then choose that as your "Schema Sources" rather than "Schema from Schema Feature"



Thanks for your input. I tried different values for the pulldown "Geometry" but the result is always GeometryZ no matter what. Learned something new with the "Reader as Resource" option, too bad this didn't work either. Will add this to the original question.


I've asked our developers to comment on this question. I'm not sure myself and I can't replicate the issue because I can't even set geometry type on my FME install! I'm a few builds behind so I will have to upgrade I guess.



I've asked our developers to comment on this question. I'm not sure myself and I can't replicate the issue because I can't even set geometry type on my FME install! I'm a few builds behind so I will have to upgrade I guess.



Do you have any updates about this issue Mark? The dynamic workbench works like a charm but the generic geometry column causes problems when exporting to shape...


My apologies for not posting earlier. I did send an email to you @nielsgerrits as well. This is a known issue and we do have it logged in our system as needing to be addressed. We will post back to here once it has been fixed.

My apologies for not posting earlier. I did send an email to you @nielsgerrits as well. This is a known issue and we do have it logged in our system as needing to be addressed. We will post back to here once it has been fixed.

Thanks for the update. Somehow the mail is lost, happy to hear the issue is noticed!




I have exactly the same problem. I am using the version FME(R) 2016.0.1.0 (20160130 - Build 16174 - WIN64).

Do you know if this issue is fixed now ?



I have exactly the same problem. I am using the version FME(R) 2016.0.1.0 (20160130 - Build 16174 - WIN64).

Do you know if this issue is fixed now ?


I can still reproduce this in FME(R) 2016.1.2.0 (20160920 - Build 16673 - WIN64).



I can still reproduce this in FME(R) 2016.1.2.0 (20160920 - Build 16673 - WIN64).



Ok thank you nielsgerrits.



I hope it will be fixed soon...



I have the same problem (I use FME 2017.1 Build 17532):

I want to write lots of feature types dynamically with the PostGIS writer but the writer only defines generic geometry types (geometry(Geometry,[srid])) although in the Feature Type properties the parameter "Geometry" is set to "From Schema Definition". I need that the specific geometry types from the reader (Point, Line, Polygon...) are preserved.

1. Will the issue be fixed any time soon?

2. Is there a workaround so that the geometry types from the reader can be perserved? It seems that the parameter mentioned above can't be fed by a user parameter.


Is this filled as a bug? We have exact same behaviour. If we dynamically write all specific geometry types from one postgis db to another postgis db. They go from geometry(point) to geometry(geometry), geometry(linestring) to geometry(geometry), geometry(polygon) to geometry(geometry) and so on. We use FME(R) 2021.2.2.0 (20220106 - Build 21806 - WIN64)

Is this filled as a bug? We have exact same behaviour. If we dynamically write all specific geometry types from one postgis db to another postgis db. They go from geometry(point) to geometry(geometry), geometry(linestring) to geometry(geometry), geometry(polygon) to geometry(geometry) and so on. We use FME(R) 2021.2.2.0 (20220106 - Build 21806 - WIN64)

@danatsafe​ can you check if case C118797 still exists and what the status is?

@danatsafe​ can you check if case C118797 still exists and what the status is?

Hi @nielsgerrits​ C118797 is related to FMEENGINE-9157 "PostGIS Writer: Using Dynamic schema ignores Generic Geometry / Lowercase Attributes settings" which is expected to be fixed for FME 2023.1

@danatsafe​ can you check if case C118797 still exists and what the status is?

Thanks Dan!
