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Export by Polygon


Hey all, 


I am very new to FME and this may be a basic question, But I currently can’t find the answer elsewhere so I figured I would post and see if anyone can point me in the right direction. 


Currently, I am exporting from a GE small world database and moving the data to a FGDB for data analytics in other software. This is a complete export of all available data. That much I have been able to figure out with a few minor transformations. What I can’t yet figure out is how do I export only a small portion of the database. Say by a predefined polygon within the existing data set. 


For example My DB crosses a number of contiguous cities all having a defined boundary within the drawing. How do I tell FME to select and export only the lines and other objects within the city boundary of interest and excluded the data within the other city boundaries? Ultimately I need this breakdown so I Can export this to AutoCAD since the full DB is entirely too large for one drawing. 


Any help is appreciated. 

3 replies


No smallworld experience, but when using a featurereader, initiated by say a feature with a polygon, it is possible to set the featurereaders spatial filter to intersect with the initiating polygon.

  • Author
  • Contributor
  • July 1, 2024

Would that limit all of the other feature readers to the same spatial limits? How do I set/select the polygon that limits the area of interest when multiple polygons exist within the same feature?

datatoad wrote:

Would that limit all of the other feature readers to the same spatial limits? 

No, only the one you configured.

datatoad wrote:

How do I set/select the polygon that limits the area of interest when multiple polygons exist within the same feature?

If multiple features, test or filter on the attribute? If one feature, deaggregate and do it based on area? Hard to say without more details / data :)


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