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Dear All ,



We are using datadownload service to extract data and sending it by email , output files excel and filegeodatabase , excel is zipped and sent by email , but file geodatabase is creaetd on the server but not zipped , that is why email is not contained the file geodatabase , is there is any reason for that.



Thanks ,



How are you creating  the email? And referencing the attachments?
Users are entered it from he datadownload service page , when we use personel database it is wokring fine but not with file geodatbase , we did not receive file geodatabase by email.
Hi Khalid,



When pubishing your workspace to FME Server, each service has an Edit button for setting the Service Properties. Here you can select the "Desired Output Writer". Make sure the GDB-writer is selected.



Thanks everyone and special thanks to TG for getting me the right answer
