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I have a dataset with 3D buildings in the format CityGML (EPSG: 25832)
and would like to present this in Cesium as 3DTiles. The 3DTiles must be
available in the WGS84 with units in Radians, and at first the longitude and
then the latitude must be listed. (See 3DTiles specification:



Input data:


Format: CityGML


EPSG: 25832,


Unit: metre


Geodetic CRS: ETRS89


Date: European Terrestrial Reference System 1989


Ellipsoid: GRS 1980


Example: 544913.83 5460346.67 205.41 (x, y, z)



Required output data:


Format: 3DTiles


EPSG: 4326 but in the unit radiant


Geodetic CRS: WGS 84


Date: World Geodetic System 1984


Ellipsoid: WGS 84


Prime meridian: Greenwich


Example: 0.1678606623,0.86034635,205.41 (longitude, latitude, height)

Here my experiments:

Reader: CityGML (EPSG 25832) -> Writer: 3DTiles (LL84-RADIANS)

Reader: CityGML (EPSG 25832) -> CSMapReprojector (25832 to LL84-RADIANS) -> Writer: 3DTiles (LL84-RADIANS)



Results: coordinates like this: 4109170.2188849915, 696274.18084379763

How do I create coordinates in radian unit?

Just quickly reading the specs and the way I interpret it the tiles can be any coordinate system you like and it's on the angles that are to be expressed in radians. But that's irrelevant if you're only doing buildings.
