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I have a LAS point cloud dataset that i want to urn into a nice mesh surface,

the area is 1kmx1km. it has some high-rise buildings.

using the workflow below. I've tried thinning the point cloud and ive also tried playing with the parameters in the TIN generator but it doesn't come through very nicely. any advice? I was thinking it ditch FME and use something else for this conversion?

iwould like to use this mesh in unreal engine if the conversion goes well



A tool that i've had really good success with for point cloud data is LASTools - It is a paid piece of software, ithas some free tools but the one you'll need (las2dem) is paid


Sticking with FME, have you considered smaller tiles? I wouldn't want to thin it too much because you would risk loosing some of the detail of the building/ground edges
