I have a job that is reading from a file GDB and writing to an ArcSDE SQLServer versioned GDB.
I believe I have configured the writer correctly, as the log has messages confirming that I am connecting to the correct transactional version.
Connection made to server 'scggisdb1pw' for dataset 'SQLHydro' (transactional version '"BCC\\DJACQUES".DJacques_20170417') using Operating System's current user
ArcSDE release: '10.0'. Underlying database: 'SQL Server'
However I am getting the following error :
Geodatabase Writer: Creating feature dataset 'ModelData'
Geodatabase Writer: Creating feature class `ICPR_NODE' in feature dataset 'SQLHydro."BCC\\DJACQUES".ModelData'
An error occurred while attempting to create the feature class 'ICPR_NODE'.
The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147155515'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Database user name and current user schema do not match. tSQLHydro."BCC\\DJACQUES".ICPR_NODE]}
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
The SQLHydro user owns all of the data in the version I have created, with my user having full modification rights to it.
If I connect to this version in ArcMap, I can add and delete features with no issue. So I don't think this is a permissions problem.
I am unsure why the transformer tries to create the feature dataset and feature class under my username instead of inserting features into the existing one owned by SQLHydro.
Is there a parameter I am missing ?
ArcGIS Version 10.4.1
FME Desktop 2016.0.1.2