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I am trying to use the FME Cesium 3D Tiles Point Cloud / 3D Tiles writer to write a .PNTS file in a 3D Tileset for display in Cesium JS. I would just like to know, whether in FME it is possible to set per-point properties in the .PNTS file's batch table. How can I do this?

I will be storing an attribute called 'importance' along with every point that is essentially just that: the importance of the point for the purposes of rendering in a browser. I want to show more important points close to the observer location when viewed in Cesium, and progressively lesser important points farther from the observer. As the batch table stored per-point metadata, I need a way to modify the information contained in the batch table of the .PNTS file.

If there is also any other way of doing this without having to modify the batch table, I would appreciate if anyone can let me know. Thanks!

Hi @sirneeraj: Thanks for your question. Firstly, if you want to write to a .pnts file (i.e. for point clouds), you will definitely want to use the FME Cesium 3D Point Cloud writer.

Unfortunately FME doesn't support setting per-point properties in the batch file directly. However, you might be able to use the various FME point cloud transformers to set various properties. I would recommend taking a look at our Point Cloud Transformations tutorial, and you can probably do the desired transformation before writing to the Cesium 3D Point Cloud writer.
