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Hello there

I have an excel with multiple columns and I am using attributes exploder in order to get one sheet with the attribute name and attribute value then we will do some cleaning and want after that to go back to the same sheet where each column will have the attribute name and its corresponding value

I did follow all the articles over but I am sure something is missing, I am using FME 2019



Change the setting on the Aggregator Attribute Accumulation Mode to 'Merge Incoming Attributes' insetad of 'Use Attributes From One Feature'.

Change the setting on the Aggregator Attribute Accumulation Mode to 'Merge Incoming Attributes' insetad of 'Use Attributes From One Feature'.


thanks for your replay,

it didn't work I am still getting only 2 attribute _attr_name and _attr_value,



thanks for your replay,

it didn't work I am still getting only 2 attribute _attr_name and _attr_value,


You want to restore the original features?


thanks for your replay,

it didn't work I am still getting only 2 attribute _attr_name and _attr_value,


@boubcher Are you able to include a small sample dataset - that will help take the guesswork out of understanding why your results differ from the example in the article Transpose a Table Using FME.

Change the setting on the Aggregator Attribute Accumulation Mode to 'Merge Incoming Attributes' insetad of 'Use Attributes From One Feature'.

this is the input to the workspace

after attribute exploder we get this


we want to reconstruct the attribute as the input

we applied the aggregator but still not getting the expected result



@boubcher Are you able to include a small sample dataset - that will help take the guesswork out of understanding why your results differ from the example in the article Transpose a Table Using FME.


thanks for your response please find attached the template workspace

please take a lool

explode and aggragate.fmwt

@boubcher Thanks for including some sample data. In the article Transpose a Table Using FME the AttributeCreator is used to set the attributes from the list created in the Aggregator. This is easy enough to do for only a few columns. But your sample data has about 150 columns per row. Each Aggregated feature has the list:

list{0}._attr_name hl_ywjd_mrkz_tgyyr_lzywtlist{0}._attr_value ???list{0}.fme_type fme_no_geomlist{1}._attr_name hl_ywjd_mrkz_tgyyr_lzywtlist{1}._attr_value ???

It is probably easiest to write a Python Script to rename the columns to the __owner and the list{}._attr_name to the value of the attribute. Perhaps someone in the community will pickup the challenge for you...
