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Attempting to upload a folder to AWS S3 bucket

  • April 1, 2019
  • 1 reply

Using FME Desktop 2018.1.0.2 build 18547 - Win32 in Citrix environment and trying to upload a folder from enterprise file system to an Amazon S3 bucket. I have a simple creator connected to an S3Uploader transformer and an inspector. When I run the workspace in desktop it rejects the upload and gives an error. I can successfully read from the S3 bucket using S3ObjectLister so I know the credentials are working. Here is the logfile:

Even tried running this from a local non-Citrix version of FME 2018.1 same build and get the same error.

Also, when trying to upload a single file I get the same error.

fme_rejection_code =


"java.lang.Exception: S3Uploader_<Rejected>: Termination Message: 'S3Uploader output a <Rejected> feature. To continue translation when features are rejected, change 'Workspace Parameters' > Translation > 'Rejected Feature Handling' to 'Continue Translation''

Translation FAILED with 4 error(s) and 0 warning(s) (0 feature(s) output)

Stored 1 feature(s) to FME feature store file `C:\\Users\\nrobbins\\Documents\\FME\\Workspaces\\AmazonS3UploaderTest_log.ffs'

FME Session Duration: 6.3 seconds. (CPU: 6.1s user, 1.6s system)

END - ProcessID: 14640, peak process memory usage: 354564 kB, current process memory usage: 319920 kB

java.lang.Exception: S3Uploader_<Rejected>: Termination Message: 'S3Uploader output a <Rejected> feature. To continue translation when features are rejected, change 'Workspace Parameters' > Translation > 'Rejected Feature Handling' to 'Continue Translation''

Program Terminating

Translation FAILED."

Has anyone had any success using FME 2018 to upload a folder and subfolders to an AWS S3 Bucket?

1 reply


Hi @nrobbins,


Thanks for your question. I think a good first step would be to change your "Rejected Feature Handling" workspace parameter to Continue Translation. You can read all about this at this blog post. This will allow your translation to continue despite a failure within a transformer - and more importantly, it will allow the recording of information about the failure on the feature that failed. This way, by inspecting the output of the S3Uploader, we might get some more detail about why it's failing.



Would you try changing the Rejected Feature Handling and rerun the workspace? Inspect any features which exit the Rejected port and look specifically for attributes that record information about the error. Feel free to report back here with more information, including another job log and your workspace.










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