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I have the logs which contain multiple warnings, including: " Could not overwrite existing destination file, since it is also the template file". When attempting to open the excel file after running the workbench it first displays an error message, then when you click past it there is another notification claiming another 'unknown' user is in the document. When clicking 'Read only' you can see the whole spreadsheet is broken i.e. all formatting lost

Hi @ejmt, I've never seen this before.

You maked the upgrade version of FME 2016 to 2017?



Hi @ejmt, I've never seen this before.

You maked the upgrade version of FME 2016 to 2017?



Hi @danilo_inovacao


Yes I upgraded from 2016 to 2017.


This is only happening on workbenches where I write to a template file


Many thanks

Hello @ejmt,



Would you mind attaching the workspace(perhaps as a template with the data saved from the 2016 version) I'd like to take a look at it to see what is going on. If that is not possible, would you mind posting the Log files of the successful(2016) and failed(2017) translations, please.
