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Seeingh when a scheduled event last run in FME Flow

  • 5 July 2024
  • 3 replies

Hello Forum.,


This sounds like it’s a straightforward function. I’ve looked but can’t see an obvious way of doing it.


I’m looking at FME Flow>Schedules>Manage Schedules. I want to be able to see the last time that a selected schedule item actually run. A bonus would be to see a successful/not successful flag too. Alternatively, this information could be captured in a log. But there doesn’t appear to be log option on that page, nor is there a column stating last time run.


Or am I just missing it?







3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +6

Hi @scarter 

Being able to see success/failure on the schedule page might be a handy feature.


This information can be found on the completed logs page, you can add additional columns to show start time, finish time, and the status of the job. 

On the completed job page, click the box on the far right with 6 lines on it and scroll down a bit to find the started and finished options. 


Hopefully I understood your question correctly. Please let me know if this is sufficient for what you’re looking for.

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Thanks for that, @TandraAtSafe .


I was so busy looking for columns/logs within the Schedules page (I also looked within the Workspaces page), that I didn’t think to look in Jobs.


Yes, that gives me what I need. Thank you.


Perhaps in the future a successful / unsuccessful flag could be added. Also, it would be handy to freeze the column headers when scrolling down long lists. Adding a filter (e.g.: on a chosen workspace) can shorten a list, but if it’s a workspace run many times them it’s till a long list.

I’ll add these to Ideas at some point.




Userlevel 1
Badge +6

Those all sound like great Ideas for future development. I’m glad you were able to find the information you wanted.  
