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We have had FME 2017.1 Server in place for over 6 months but hold off setting up receiving emails forwarded from MS Exchange server. Our company recently migrated to the Office 365 Exchange. Is that any documentation on how to set up email forward from 365 Exchange to FME server? The email receive notification on the FME server is one of the primary reasons we use FME server for.

Hi @ag

You can find the documentation on configuring FME Server to receive emails here:

Hope this helps,


Hi @ag

You can find the documentation on configuring FME Server to receive emails here:

Hope this helps,


@DebbiAtSafe, I am aware of this article. But our messaging said the Outlook 365 is using a different protocol (EMS?) than SMTP or IMAP. As more and more companies are moving toward 365, it would be nice if Safe can provide some technical elements on this.
@DebbiAtSafe, I am aware of this article. But our messaging said the Outlook 365 is using a different protocol (EMS?) than SMTP or IMAP. As more and more companies are moving toward 365, it would be nice if Safe can provide some technical elements on this.
Hi @ag,


Thank you for the feedback! I can definitely see how it could be beneficial and will pass the request on to the relevant team.


Hi @ag,


Thank you for the feedback! I can definitely see how it could be beneficial and will pass the request on to the relevant team.


Thanks, Debbi. We may need to set up a meeting between Safe support and our messaging team in the next week or so to pull this through. The email receival notification is one of the primary reasons we decided to implement FME server.



@DebbiAtSafe, I am aware of this article. But our messaging said the Outlook 365 is using a different protocol (EMS?) than SMTP or IMAP. As more and more companies are moving toward 365, it would be nice if Safe can provide some technical elements on this.
Hi @ag


Have you tried IMAP or SMTP with FME Server, as this article suggests that they support IMAP, which is a supported protocol in FME Server. EWS is currently not a supported protocol by FME Server, but your exchange admin could maybe forward emails from exchange account to FME Server (to the FME Server email address once it's set up).






Hi @ag


Have you tried IMAP or SMTP with FME Server, as this article suggests that they support IMAP, which is a supported protocol in FME Server. EWS is currently not a supported protocol by FME Server, but your exchange admin could maybe forward emails from exchange account to FME Server (to the FME Server email address once it's set up).






Thanks, @jlutherthonmas. Will give it a try.



