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I have a Fault Tolerant installation of FME Flow that includes a load balancer. I need to use IMAP email protocol to receive emails from FME Flow.

I have created an automation and want it to send an email if succeeds. In the Automations screen - Email Details, I choose Actions - Send an email. I then see the SMTP parameters, but nowhere found is IMAP protocol parameters. How do I access IMAP protocol parameters if I want to Send an email?

IMAP can only be used for receiving email, not sending, so you'll need to have an SMTP account if you want to send email through FME Flow.

If I understand correctly, then with a Fault Tolerant installation of FME Flow, I can use SMTP to have the automation send me an email if it succeeds or fails?

I tried having an automation send me an email after an automation successfully runs using the SMTP parameters from my organization and did not receive any email. Is there something that needs to be configured outside of FME Flow or somewhere else in FME Flow to enable FME Flow to send emails?

If I understand correctly, then with a Fault Tolerant installation of FME Flow, I can use SMTP to have the automation send me an email if it succeeds or fails?

I tried having an automation send me an email after an automation successfully runs using the SMTP parameters from my organization and did not receive any email. Is there something that needs to be configured outside of FME Flow or somewhere else in FME Flow to enable FME Flow to send emails?

Yes, you should be able to have FME Flow email you on succes/failure.

If you're not receiving the emails (and they're not in your spam folder) then there might be some other things that need to be configured outside of FME.

  1. The SMTP server might have a whitelist policy, only allowing specific domains/hosts/ip's, if so, doublecheck whether your FME Flow is on it (and if it's based on ip-address both the primary and the failover should be listed)
  2. There might be a firewall blocking traffic from FME Flow to the SMTP server


Check the automation log if there is maybe an error message logged by the Email action.

Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 07.54.55For troubleshooting you may also want to try the Emailer transformer inside a workspace, perhaps that that logs a bit more information than the Email action. However... if the engine (running the job) is not on the same machine as the core, which may very well be the case if you're running a fault tolerant setup, you need to make sure those points I mentioned above are valid for the engine too!


I think, but maybe somebody from Safe can confirm this, that the Email action in an automation means the FME Flow Core will communicate with the SMTP server whereas if you're using an Emailer within a workspace the FME Flow Engine that's running that specific job talks to the SMTP.
