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How to enable Email Results option of Data Download service

  • 24 February 2014
  • 3 replies




I've signed up the FME Cloud Beta, and started to learn how to use it.


As my first trial, I uploaded a workspace which transforms XML dataset into raster and writes the result into Geotiff file. Service type is Data Download.


The workspace worked fine, and I was able to download zipped result file from the web page which was displayed after the completion, if I didn't check "Email Result" (Advanced Option) on the Configure page.



However, when I checked "Email Results" and specified my mail address, I was not able to receive the e-mail even though the job has been completed successfully.




I checked if the mail address was correct, and tried several times. But no mail has come ...


Do I need some server settings to enable the "Email Results" option?


Thanks in advance.




3 replies

Badge +3
Have you specified the SMTP details to enable email notification?



I'm not sure if this is needed in FME Cloud, but it is in FME Server..



FME Server needs to know how to send emails i.e. by what provider. FME Server 2013 onwards supports James SMTP (i.e. an out-of-the-box SMTP) but can also plug into your own SMTP for example Gmail or Microsoft Exchange. 



Full details on how to set up SMTP is in the FME Server Admin Guide which I believe is on the Safe website. In short though:



 - go to the Notifications section from the left-hand side Navigation bar


- select the Subscriptions tab


- select the DataDownload_Email_JobSuccess


- Configure desired details.



If the details in FME Cloud seem fine, I'm unsure if you can get access to its log files which would be the next debugging step..
Userlevel 3
Badge +17
Hi Kathy,



You are right. After editing the Subscription, I've been able to receive email from the server.





I need to learn about FME Server before learning the Cloud.


Thank you very much!






P.S. My next step is to test if Japanese characters can be used in the Cloud Server environment.


Badge +12

Here is a short video demonstrating how to setup FME Server 2016.1 to send out email when a job is run with the Data Download service:

Please note that this is a very basic example leveraging the default Topics, Subscriptions, and Samples Repository included with FME Server. You can build upon this using the same basic principals.

The following resources may provide additional assistance:
