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Good morning,


I'm trying to achieve the following:


  • Read DWGs from all folders one level down but no further sub directories
  • Currently have: Directory and file pathnames -> tester (= dwg) -> tester for depth = 1?


Was previously using a wildcard but it was going to far into directories and picking up a lot of irrelevant files.


Thank you for your help.


"Path Filter" = \\*\\*.dwg

Subfolder = no


Read only depth 1(but not depth 0)

Hey Tom,


Thanks this looks like exactly what I'm after.


Can you send a screenshot of where the subfolder / read depth is? I can seem to find it!


One = \\*\\*.dwg

Two = \\*\\*\\*.dwg

Three =\\*\\*\\*\\*.dwg

I think so, without testing.
