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Is it possible to only prompt for a published parameter choice depending on the input of another?



An example would be, only ask for an input parameter if a particular format was chosen.



Hi Owen - Ahh, now I know it's you now you have added a pic! Hope all is well!



As far as I'm aware it's not possible to create a dynamic dialog box where certain parameters appear and disappear depending on which other paramaters the user selects. It would be a nice feature definately to be able to configure parameter dependency.  I think the best you can do right now is make the paramater prompt descriptive enough and also make sure to use the options to define if a parameter is mandatory or not.



Sorry I can't be more help.
Hi Dave, yes all is well thanks. Still loving FME!



Okay, there didnt seem to be an obvious way. I'll try to combine the choices into more options (text) and use testers.



It might be possible to do this in the web-interface only?


You would need to ask the user 1 question first (Which Filetype) and then show/hide boxes depending on that choice.



So if you for instance have 2 possible output-types:



Type: SHAPE 


Geometry: POINT






Type: PostGIS


Username: my


Password: mypassword



You can for the 


Type: SHAPE 


Geometry: POINT


also send EMPTY strings for the other variables







And for the opposite:


Type: PostGIS


Username: my


Password: mypassword





And then as you mention have a Tester within the workspace (or perhaps you do not need this? If you have a dynamic writer and the correct Type and Parameters set then it should automatically choose the correct writer and find the right parameters, and ignore the empty unneeded parameters)



Good luck!




Thanks Sig, sounds good and I see how you could get the right output with testers. How can you show/hide boxes depending on the choice?
Hi Owen,



Hm. I was assuming you did not use the "normal FME login" but have created your own webpage using your own code. Then I am sure some AJAX thingy would make 



By the way, are you on FME2012 or FME2013?
Ahh, no. Just the standard fme server interface. Using 2013.
