Dear FME users,
I have the error: Error decrypting data. Most likely this is because the encryption key is incorrect. Please contact your administrator to retrieve the correct encryption key.
Remote environment: Windows Server 2012 R2 machines with RDP (remote desktop)
The workspace is managed by RES/Ivanti v10.2. with separate autorisation
Environment variables for Oracle on server
and FME: PATH=I:\\APP\\Oracle\\client11g\\x64\\11.2.0\\client_1\\bin;%PATH%
The netwokdisk "I" is mapped for every employee.
With 2 colleges we work with FME.
In FME options we have the following in Default Path:
Connection Data Directory : I:\\APPDATA\\FME\\FME_Conn
Public key file : I:\\APPDATA\\FME\\FME_Conn\\fme_publicKey.jceks
Private key file : "C:\\Users\\piep0804\\AppData\\Roaming\\Safe Software\\FME\\fme_privateKey.jceks"
In the Database connections we only use PUBLIC connections.
The only difference between us is that my collegue works on a different remote environment.
Connection string:
When he changes a connection-string (remove and create the same string) I get the following error when I use the same connectionstring:
Error decrypting data. Most likely this is because the encryption key is incorrect. Please contact your administrator to retrieve the correct encryption key.
Error decrypting data. Most likely this is because the encryption key is incorrect. Please contact your administrator to retrieve the correct encryption key.
This error occurs even when I close FME and reboot my system.
When I then change the same string (remove and create the same string) he will get the same error.
What causes this problem?
Is there a logfile with more information we can study and where can we find this?
Many thanks for your support