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I had a pair of coordinates stored in a single column named "geometry." I used the Attribute Splitter to separate these coordinates and then exploded the list. Now, I have each latitude and longitude in the same column. Is there a way to copy these latitude and longitude values into separate columns labeled "Latitude" and "Longitude" while maintaining the same order?

Hi @fme_can_do_it 


Could you share your data?

Sure! here is the data i read in an excel format in my workspace:


-97.366166, 32.747101,-97.367519, 32.746789, -97.369184, 32.746717,-97.369023, 32.748890


I have also attached the screenshot of my workspace.


Separate the List Index integers into Odds and Evens using fmod() in a Tester.

Then can rename it to LONG an d LAT value attributes and merge them back together with FeatureJoiner.



Output from FeatureJoiner



I went with a GML Approach, as I don’t need to breakup the input at all...just format it. It is because GML has a PosList that allows you to put in space seperate line of coordinates. I am assuming that these are all lines


You just need to update this to your attribute:


And because it is in long/lat, choose 1,2 in the SRS axis in the geometryreplacer. SRS Axis just explains the order or X,Y,Z.

Workspace attached.
