I have a custom transformer that was written with a lot of help from 1Spatial (thank you !!), The idea is that it goes through an Atom (georss) feed, and identifies links within feed that are zip files.
However, due to the nature of some of the feeds I am working with, sometimes the download is on a second page (see, for example: http://www.catastro.minhap.es/INSPIRE/CadastralParcels/ES.SDGC.CP.atom.xml), and therefore I have a loop which goes through all the non-zip links that are in the initial feed, and checks if the subsequent feed contains zip files.
When I run this using the URL https://www.ign.es/atom/dataset_feeds/lin_lim_mun.es.xml
I find that it goes back into the initial Input loop and therefore identifies the same zip file twice.
Can anyone shed some light on why this is occurring, and suggest how to stop this issue? I'm really struggling, and need to avoid this duplicated data!!
I have attached a workbench which runs the custom transformer, along with the csv file which has the URL I mention above
Many thanks in advance for you help