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I was using FeatureMerger to join a spatial table A and a non spatial table B. I noticed it was an inner join, and I didnt find any option to change it to a left join.



How can I do a left join of  A and B tables using some other Transformer ?


Screenshots will be highly appreciated. Thanks



The InlineQuerier or SQLExecutor can do that for you.



I used the SQLExecutor, and I noticed in the properties of the tranformer, I can specify only one format for the reader. But in my case, I have two formats; one is a posgis and the other is posgresql



in that case the IQ is more suitable



Since you are using the FeatureMerger, I don't think you need any more special operation.


When REQUESTOR is left table and SUPPLIER is right table, the set union of MERGED features and NOT_MERGED features is equivalent to the lett outer join result.



MERGED --> inner join


MERGED and NOT_MERGED --> left outer join


MERGED and UNREFERENCED --> right outer join


* except case of unconditional merging



Remember the Venn diagram :-)



