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VerticesExtractor in FME2010

  • 14 March 2013
  • 2 replies

Hi All,




While trying to use vertocesExtractor transformer in FME version 2010, it shows error message like..."the transfomer 'counter'(version'2') is used by this workspace, but is not currently available on your system".



Please suggest how I need to resolve this problem in FME 2010 version.






2 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +24
You have opened this in a newer version of FME. YOU have to delete the COUNTER and insert it again (in FME2010). If you click Attach Summary Annotation you can now see you have version '1' insteadf of '2'
Badge +2

What SigTill says - Workbenches are not guaranteed backwards compatible.

New feature in 2013 warns you and asks if you want to FME to make a backup when you save a Workbench from a earlier version.
