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Hello Community, i want to know how is the transfer of georeferencing information is done between IFC and CityGML. Like is there any FME documentation that covers this subject?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @nassira​,

FME currently reads IFC files in a local coordinate system defined by the RefLatitude and RefLongitude, if present. It is not possible to write local coordinate systems to CityGML, so a Reprojector should be used to reproject the data into an EPSG coordinate system, which will be written to CityGML.

Hi daveatsafe,

Thnak you for the response , but is there any documentation where i can find more information about this topic ?

Hi daveatsafe,

Thnak you for the response , but is there any documentation where i can find more information about this topic ?

Our online BIM tutorial links to a few examples of how to convert from IFC to CityGML:

