
Tracking progress of ShortestPathFinder

Badge +10
For 48 hours now, I have been running an ShortestPathFinder transformer, and I am worried that it is not making any progress.

For context;

643,312 features in the road network

13,539,080 From-to lines (these are all 2 point lines)


Progress so far;

344 ShortestPathFinder_NoPath

no other output


My expectation is that ShortestPathFinder should be sending lots of output to ShortestPathFinder_Path but there is none. Is this normal behaviour? Does the transformer save up the output until the end of the process?

Should I kill the process and try to tweak it? I would lose 48 hours of processing time if I kill it

If there was a constant stream of output to ShortestPathFinder_Path then I would be comfortable that progress was being made, but there is not

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Hi @nicholas What you are seeing is normal, but you should see some indication of progress in the log window. I would also expect finding 13.5M shortest paths could take a very long time. Is Feature Caching enabled? The number of intersections in your network will make a difference too. If possible, I would try just a fraction of the 13.5M From-To line features at a time if you are still testing the ShortestPathFinder.

Userlevel 1
Badge +21

If you are only seeing features coming out of the No Path port then no paths are being found. It suggest something is not quite right with your network. The 48 hours processing time seems excessive even given the large number of routes so something is probably not working as expected.
