
TCLCaller UTC to EST Conversion

  • 17 April 2018
  • 3 replies



Can someone give me a slight push. I modified the code provided in the TCLCaller sample (provided in the Safe knowledge base - to convert UTC date to EST. I have 5 dates I need to convert to EST and wanted to store them in separate attributes. I've attempted to create an array to return the 5 dates but no luck. I feel like I'm almost there. You will see some of the lines commented because I've been doing a variety of test scenarios trying to get my results.

Thanks in advance,

proc formatDate {} {


# this attribute matches the FME feature attribute


set QueryDate [FME_GetAttribute QueryDate]


set MROutageDate [FME_GetAttribute MostRecentOutage.OutageDate]


#set EventRepairDate [FME_GetAttribute EventOutage.RepairDate]


#set MRRepairDate [FME_GetAttribute MostRecentOutage.RepairDate]


#set EventOutageDate [FME_GetAttribute EventOutage.OutageDate]



#puts "date GMT $date"


# convert to clock seconds


set t_QueryDate [clock scan $QueryDate -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z} -timezone :UTC ]


set t_MROutageDate [clock scan $MROutageDate -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z} -timezone :UTC ]


#set t_EventRepairDate [clock scan $EventRepairDate -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z} -timezone :UTC ]


#set t_MRRepairDate [clock scan $MRRepairDate -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z} -timezone :UTC ]


#set t_EventOutageDate [clock scan $EventOutageDate -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z} -timezone :UTC ]



#puts "t $t"


# switch to the new timezone and format the date


set dt_QueryDate [clock format $t_QueryDate -format {%Y%m%d%H%M%S} -timezone :EST ]


set dt_MROutageDate [clock format $t_MROutageDate -format {%Y%m%d%H%M%S} -timezone :EST ]


#set dt_EventRepairDate [clock format $t_EventRepairDate -format {%Y%m%d%H%M%S} -timezone :EST ]


#set dt_MRRepairDate [clock format $t_MRRepairDate -format {%Y%m%d%H%M%S} -timezone :EST ]


#set dt_EventOutageDate [clock format $t_EventOutageDate -format {%Y%m%d%H%M%S} -timezone :EST ]



#puts "date EST $datetime"



return $dt_QueryDate


return $dt_MROutageDate


#return $dt_EventRepairDate


#return $dt_MRRepairDate


#return $dt_EventOutageDate



3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

Hi @bcrowley10, a Tcl procedure only returns a single value. If you defined two or more return statements, the first one would be executed but others do nothing. You can use the built-in function "FME_SetAttribute" to create multiple new attributes if necessary. See the Help on the TclCaller to learn more about FME build-in Tcl functions.

In addition, if you are using FME 2017.1 or later, you can use FME Date/Time Functions effectively, in order to manipulate timezone of datetime values.

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Hi @bcrowley10 Just create the attributes on the feature with your Tcl script, e.g. FME_SetAttribute dt_QueryDate $dt_QueryDate Then expose dt_QueryDate and any other attributes you've created at the bottom of the TclCaller. Or if you want to make a list (similar to an array) then set it like:

FME_SetAttribute date_array{0}.date $dt_QueryDate

FME_SetAttribute date_array{1}.date $dt_MROutageDate

etc. and expose the attribute date_array{}


Thank you Takashi for your response. I will use the date function. Not sure how I missed the

@TimeZoneSet function. Thank you Dan for your response as well.
