When FME create an FFS for failed features is there a way to add the failure reason to the feature in the FFS?
I was hoping for an easy way to have a table of features failed with teh fail reason that I can send to the vendor
In the logs I see this
2017-11-16 11:09:13| 224.4| 1.7|ERROR |The invalid value ' . °' was supplied to the field 'lat_wgs84' for the table/feature class '####'
but I don't see this information in the FFS or what feature this failure occurred on.
Plus in the log file it often truncates repeated messages:
2017-11-16 11:09:45| 239.1| 2.6|ERROR |... Last line repeated 2 times ...
So then I don't have a complete list of failures from the log anyway.
Currently these features are failing on the Geodatabase Writer. What I'm after is any failed feature in the workspace goes to FFS with the failed reason code (or a solution alike to this).