I'm new, so any help is appreciated. I have a SQL table that has lat/longs. Want to copy table into SQL Server SDE feature dataset with geom column. Tried the feature writer, but don't see where I can select the feature dataset.
First step will be creating the geometry from the coordinate lat/long. That can be done with the VertexCreator. If it's only points, that's all you should need. If it's lines or areas, you can use transformers like the LineBuilder or AreaBuilder after that. If you have more specific information about the schema of your input table and the desired geometry, we can provide a little more direct advice.
I've got that, and was able to write the table with GEOM to destination SQL Server SDE. My problem is how do I get it into the FeatureDataSet?
I understand that you are able to write it into sde, then that's it. The features supposed to reflect in feature dataset where you can be able to visualise in ESRI's catalogue.
Guess it is clear!
The Feature Dataset name can be specified as part of the Feature Type name with the following syntax:
<Feature Dataset>/<Feature Class>
It's described here in the manual:https://docs.safe.com/fme/html/FME-Form-Documentation/FME-ReadersWriters/geodatabase/feature_dataset.htm