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I have a polygon that crosses the dateline.


I would like to split it into two at the dateline,
so I even won't need a dateline fix (e.g. My goal is a longitude within -180
and 180 and a correct display on the map using LL-WGS84.


Is this
possible? What transformers do I need to use?

One option would be to use the clipper with a clipper feature being a box -90, 90,-180,180. Make sure create aggregates is set to No, and you want the features from both the Inside and Outside ports.

Another way would be to use the InterSector to Cut the area and an AreaBuilder to restore the 2 polygons:

With this result:

Another way would be to use the InterSector to Cut the area and an AreaBuilder to restore the 2 polygons:

With this result:

With the caveat that they must be simple polygon(s) with no holes or slivers, and you'll need to transfer the attributes if required.

