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Dear all, starting to really make use of and learning FME and loving it! However I am getting stuck on a seemingly simple task: I have a land title attribute which may look like TP12345 and I need to split it into two new attributes, one with the characters and one the integers (and retain the exising one). Any useful hints are greatly apreciated!
Hi Nic,   The StringSeacher transformer would be the most flexible solution in such a case. An example of regular expression is: ^((A-Z]+)((0-9]+)$   If you are not familiar with the regular expression, see Alternatively, if the number of the alphabetical characters is always 2, two SubstringExtractors are also available.



Thanks Takashi! Substring extractors did the job. Happy boy again!
As an alternative if the string is always two digits followed by 5 numbers you can use the Attribute splitter to split at set intervals by using a format string of 2s5s



Much neater than multiple substring extractors if you want to start splitting a string into more than 2 parts.
