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I would like to use FME to search for partial name matches (essentially a fuzzy string comparison) between two columns in different datasets.

The challenge I'm facing is that it’s not a straightforward ID-based comparison. I want to pick a name from a row in one dataset and search for the closest match in a column of names in another dataset.

Does anyone know a way to achieve this in FME, perhaps without relying on IDs?

Thank you!

If you have a lot of data I’d try to do this in the database, if possible. It’s going to be a lot faster than loading everything into FME and doing all the matching there.

E.g. using Postgres:

If you have to stick with FME, maybe this custom transformer can help:

How much data are we talking about? What I have done is merging the searchstring to all target records (FeatureMerger 1=1) and use the FuzzyStringComparer from the FME hub to find the best match. But it you have a lot of search and a lot of target records, this can take a while. Attached a sample matching 100 search by 100 target values.
