Try putting your network through a TopologyBuilder, for the shortest path finder to work the network needs to be topologically noded, i.e. all features must be split at junctions
Try putting your network through a TopologyBuilder, for the shortest path finder to work the network needs to be topologically noded, i.e. all features must be split at junctions
It works well after I break the lines! Thank you so much.
Now I come up to other questions.
I will have hundreds of POI in each floor. May I know how I can draw lines for all POIs in order to have lines to input in "ShortestPathFinder"?
Second, I will have hundreds of line, may I know how can I loop the "ShortestPathFinder" transformer to check all the "line" that are routable?
Sorry for all the questions. I am really bad at FME.
Thanks in advance and have a good weekend! :)
If you want to create all combinations of lines you could do something like this, with your points to create all possible from_to lines. These can then just be sent into the shortest path finder, no looping required
Will try, thank you so much! :)
Hello @ebygomm, I am just wondering what is the reason to use "Attribute Creator"? Also, after Vertex Creators, I only have a bunch of points, may I ask how to get all possible lines?
Also, I come up to another problem. Since I will have a lot of lines on different floors. How can I draw all possible lines on each floors? As I don't see group processing in these transformers.
Sorry for all the questions.
Thank you.