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Hi all!

I have a Raster with only 0 and 1 values, where the 1 are the buildings extracted from a LAS cloud point (Class 6) and the 0 the rest of the extent. It is attached and it looks like this:


I need to get the polygons of the buildings footprint and my attempt is a RasterToPolygonCoercer, followed by a Dissolver but the result is not what I expected.



I tried a buffer of 1m but again, the footprint is not correct and I cannot make a bigger buffers because the correct shape of the building becomes increasingly worse.

Diss3 After Buff

I tried Generalize but it is not useful here. It smoothens polygons that are already correct and mines aren't. Tried also Aggregator and AreaAmalgamator but never seen the result. They take a really long time to process as there are thousands of polygons.

In the end what I want is polygons more or less correct but one per building as the red outline in the image below, where you could easily relate each building to its footprint.


Thanks a lot in advance for all the answers!

Instead of buffering, try a HullReplacer. It probably won't result in a perfect match but it should smooth out a lot of the artefacts.

Instead of buffering, try a HullReplacer. It probably won't result in a perfect match but it should smooth out a lot of the artefacts.

thanks a lot @Hans van der Maarel​, it's been a good try.



Even though it stills being insufficient to build a correct footprint, the tools makes what I was looking for and I think I will find a use for it in further projects.


About this problem, I said I used only class 6 of the LAS point cloud. I think the solution might be to use classes 6 & 2 for one raster, then class 2 in other one and subtract the latter to the former. This way FME will interpolate the zones where there are no class 6 data and so the surface will be more continuous.
