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I want to extract polygons by using a point on area overlay. It seems to work but not for multi part polygons.



It only pass throught the part that the point intersects. It should pass through all parts of the polygon.



I'm using a spatial relator with a list exploder. I've also used the point on area overlayer.








Hi Rudy,



It seems that the PointOnAreaOverlayer deaggregates input polygons into non-aggregate polygons automatically. If your purpose is to find spatial relationships between polygons and points without deaggregating polygons, I think using the SpatialRelator would be a good solution.


What is the reason to use also the PointOnAreaOverlayer?



Hi Takashi,



I want to find relationships between points and polygons without deaggregating polygons.



I've used the PointOnAreaOverlayer first on my workbench, but after reading a bit on this community it seems that i should use SpatialRelator, but i got the same result with both methods for this reason i'm submitting my question.



In some cases i've 1 point, with a multi part polygon, but the result is only the polygon that the point intersect







If you input polygons to BASE port and input points to CANDATE port of the SpatialRelator, it outputs polygons with information on related points without deaggregating. Am I missing something?






an alternative could be to first use a Counter to give each aggretate an id, then re-aggregate the parts after the PointOnAreaOverlayer using this id as the Group By attribute.



Hi Takashi,



I've made a clean work bench and the spatial relator option seems to work 100%





