I have a db table with a field called CSTSTARTDATEDA. In the db table, an example of a value is '8/16/1999'. In FME, I am using a SQL Server reader to pull all the data in the table, and FME is showing the date as 19990815000000.000.
I need to convert the date to milliseconds format (a requirement for a data migration project). If I were doing this in SQL, I would convert the date to a BigInt, then subtract 25568 and multiply by 86400000. This would give me 934848000000 ((Convert(BigInt,ICSTSTARTDATEDA])-25568)*86400000). I tried to do this in my SQL statement in FME, but FME would not accept it.
Is there another way to do this? I'm open to using a Python caller, but I'm not too familiar with Python.
And the final result has to be in this format. There is no way around it.
Thanks for any help/ideas!