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I have a network where this are many connected lines on nodes


I wanna make from the ones having the same value of an attribute to get connected and became one feature.


Is there any way to do it ?


Thank you

Hi @lianaolianov,

I believe you can work with spatial transformers to get the attributes.

For example, the transformer SpatialRelator. You can choose the Spatial Predicates to Test = touches.

And enable the option Generate List.



Hi @lianaolianov,

I believe you can work with spatial transformers to get the attributes.

For example, the transformer SpatialRelator. You can choose the Spatial Predicates to Test = touches.

And enable the option Generate List.



Can you explain to me please a little more how to do with details ?


Thank you




I created here a Workspace to show about this process.

In my Workspace I used two shapefiles : Lines and Nodes. You can see the attributes associate in Lines and Nodes.

After I used the transfomer SpatialRelator to check the lines are connected with nodes.

Inside parameters on these transformer I selected the option Generate List, because I want to get the attributes from Nodes.

A Tester transformer was inserted in Workspace to filter the lines are connected _related_candidates >= 1.

The results in FME Data Inspector with all attributes ( Lines and Nodes ):

Attached the Workspace - workspace-spatialrelator.fmwt



If the lines are end-noded, you can use the LineJoiner with the Group-by option set to the attribute you want to join by.
